Colorado & Southern narrow gauge 2-8-0 Consolidation #71 was built in 1896 by Baldwin originally as Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf 9. In 1899, UPD&G was merged into the new Colorado & Southern RR and was renumbered CS 2-8-0 #71 at the time. Upon retirement, CS #71 was donated to Central City in 1941 and placed on display. It still resides in Central City, but is now located outside one of the casinos in town. This is where Jim Lockart found it when he took this color slide of it in 1986. Original specs - 3' narrow gauge, 37" drivers,180 psi boiler pressure, 15.5x20" cylinders, very modest engine wt of 80,500 lb and very modest tracxtive effort of 19,848 lb. |