Number 1333 was assigned BN 4613 (not applied), became AMTK 9473 in 1972, was leased to ARR between April 1984 and December 1985 as a stand-in while ARR changed over from steam heat to HEP, was returned to Amtrak and operated on the Texas Southern between 1987-1988, in May 1993 to Calvin Gerhard, Private Railcars Inc., leased in June 1996 to North Central "Liberty Limited" dinner train, New Freedom, Pennsylvania. North Central closed in late 2001, car moved to Bellevue, Ohio for work and was assigned number 800737, renamed "Glass Slipper" and entered charter service in mid-2004.
CB&Q 1334 ( unnamed ) - pool service coach for GN "Empire Builder" - pool service car painted in GN colors, became BN 4614 ( not applied ), Amtrak 9474, leased to ARR 7074 (4/84-12/85), returned and stored, leased to Texas Southern, sold to VIA as 521 ( 1987 ) - stored inactive in Montreal. Stripped, then sold to Gateway Coach/Ben Butterworth and moved to ITAC 12/06-1/07.
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